Friday, August 13, 2010

I know it, you know it.

Sometimes when I'm awake in the morning, I would keep my eyes shut for a few minutes and imagine that the moment I open them, I would be in a secluded corner library with books scattered and stacked on the shelves, the floor, even by the window sill and while I read by the fireplace, white owls would fly in and bring me new books and they'd be wet because outside there's that nice summer kind of rain pouring down all the time.

Yeah. That'd be very nice.


Dozing zombIE said...

summer rain and white owls?
and fireplace? in summer?

ikanosha said...

what, are those questions? its confusing with you merely repeating what i said.

Dozing zombIE said...

it just that, fireplace and white owls arent just the things u would have thought in summer. even if it was raining. even if it was a nice kinda rain.

ikanosha said...

yeah well, its early in the morning and logic isn't exactly my forte is it.