I watched The Biggest Loser Australia the other day while waiting for bukak puasa. There's something very satisfying watching fat people decked in black tights running across New Zealand for the world's selfish entertainment. And I honestly don't give a shit if they say they want to win so they can finally cope with binge eating or self loathing etc, I just think the butt load of cash is a bigger factor.
And I watched the 1984 Children of the Corn film with my sister and out of nowhere there was this huge ass cartoon fire and smoke coming down from the sky. It was hilarious. And when the dude was trying to burn down the corn field my sister kept asking me 'Dia lawan dgn sape tu? kenapa bakar jagung? tak paham.' You see, this is why books should never be adapted to film.
And then there was this guy who's wife died from a complication of gastric bypass and he sued the hospital and he got 3billion $ or something and then he has the balls to talk about how he's sad and he misses his wife and I think it's a load of bull and disgusting and yet not unexpected. My mom was with me and she just looked at me weird, like why the hell are you so pissed.
sigh. Last year I would've been entertained instead of annoyed. I can feel that I'm growing older with bitter cynicism.
Oh but the cartoons are awesome.

I don't know if this is worth one shit but, I'm going to try study harder next year.
You see I have this weird thing; when I like a guy, I have to be smarter than him.
So obviously there's this one guy, I sort of like him and he's apparently smarter than me. And I can't stand it.
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