Monday, February 11, 2013

Shits and giggles.

It's very rare to find someone who appreciates the things that you appreciate. Or loses their shit at the same exact moment when you lose your shit when a certain song or movie is played.

You might meet a couple of people who gets you, but meh, they just kinda get you but not really actually.

Then you find that one gem that gets you so precisely and so deeply that you fear the two of you would spontaneously morph together and explode because the universe just can't handle two of you in one body. Yes, when you find that beautiful gem, let's not let go of that gem, shall we.

In other news, I feel like dyeing my hair red again. And when asked why, I would assume an expression of total seriousness, and reply "For shits and giggles."

In fact, from now on all of my answers to any question starting with 'why', will be "For shits and giggles."

You: "Why are you screaming? It's 3 am in the morning!"
Me: "For shits and giggles."

You: "Why banana?"
Me: "For shits and giggles."

This made me so happy beyond belief and reason. She's real! (kind of)

Princess Aurora is my favourite person in Disney, ever. She's kind of useless and just lays there and waits for (sigh) Prince Phillip, but I love her. Should I finally crack and lose my mind, I would definitely end up dressing up like her and dance around barefoot with an owl.

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