Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My body is a cage.

I'm in this for almost 4 years, but most of the days I wake up wondering how the hell did I get into med school. It feels like being shoved into a certain pigeon hole when I would obviously be more comfortable in another pigeon hole.

And then I thought I had a plan, I thought I knew what I was going to do after I'm done with med school, but the sad reality is I'm never going to be 'done' with medicine. My first mistake was assuming that these 8 years of doctoring shit would be it. What I've been denying up until now is that this is going to be my life from now. Hell, it has been my life since that day I half assed-ly agreed with my parents' decision of sending me here.

For a time I was pretty pissed off about this whole situation, but not any more. One must learn to grow the fuck up and accept that things might never go one's way so one must go with the flow. One must also realize that one is just a tiny puny human in a two hundred million square miles of earth and really, being a doctor is not a horrible way to live one's life.

Just like in that freaky ass movie 'Pandorum' where the humans that were stranded in that giant metal space ship evolved and adapted themselves into cannibalistic Smeagol like creatures to survive, a mere distasteful pigeon hole is quite adaptable.


It amazes me that some girls would actually downgrade themselves for a guy. It's even more amazing when the same girls complain about how guys are ass holes. It's amazing-er still when they take pride when the same type of guys run around after them, probably with a boner and a 20 cent condom in his pocket.

It's amazing because I didn't think something with a fully functioning brain would turn out so incredibly stupid. It's also amazing because I didn't think I would actually personally know these kinds of girls.

Really, they make me thank God for my fucked up personal boundary issues.

This song, man, this song is so cool.

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