Everything, and everybody, has a price. If not in the standard currency of money, then in the less fanciful yet still very efficient method of blackmail or bargain.
All it takes is time and buttload of patience.

So I made it to Dingle. Words cannot contain whatever the ditzy flash firework dervish whirlwind of emotions I felt (still feeling).
Persistence is often the key in successfully arriving someplace I want to go, but in this case it's all about who you know.
I'm fucking rambling I'm so tired.
Also, in the leftover moment of victory, I got it into my head to airline hop as much as possible for the journey back to Alex. Been all over the internet looking for the perfect way. I found one option. But not yet satisfied. I'm going to keep on looking. Wish me luck.
Ooooh my dad's wallet will crap itself.
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