Friday, December 3, 2010

You and me babe, how about it?

I am appalled at how fat I was. It's incredible people didn't make fun of me more.

When I talk to people about Romeo and Juliet, everyone seem to forget that both of them died because of love. For love, because of love, in love whatever.
Point is they died.

People focus on the love rather than the death.

The way I see it, death is more awesome than love. They were in love, madly and impossibly, and yet in the end death whooped their asses.

And you know, I prefer tragic love than true love. Happily ever after in a castle is lame. Poison and knife stabbing is fun.

But in a way, in death their love was far more greater than it could ever be if they've lived for a thousand years.

People back then are way cooler than people now, I swear. sigh.

And hey I'm going to be an Aunt.
And I tell you, I've never been this happy and I've never loved anyone this much. My anak sedara.


Dozing zombIE said...

Dear Aunty Aiken,

Death ain't that special because everybody dies.
Love is a little bit special because not everybody has it. Some unlucky people won't. Ever.
Personally, i find true love with poison and knife stabbing is much more satisfying than a tragic love with them.
On a 2nd thought, dear aunty, just poison and stabbings would do.
fuck love. it's hard.


ikanosha said...

First of, if you call me Aiken in real life I'd kick your ass. Aunty is okay though.

I'm not saying love sucks. I don't have anything against it at all. I'm speaking about R&J specifically when I say death is more awesome than love.
Come to think of it, I shouldn't've put death and love together. Death is an ending, so of course it's monster awesome.

True love is a fictional concept born out of fear. Normal love is hard enough and I'd be grateful just to have that.

But hey, I'm ready to believe in true love if I ever see one so it's not all gloomy.

And thanks. fuck yeah I'm going to be an Aunt.