Monday, September 26, 2011

You are pretty down to your bones.


I've watched all 10 episodes of GOT and now I am sad.
Sad. Un-entertained. Bored. Uninterested. Lazy. With no purpose.

I need to read the books now. (I mean after I'm done with the 400 or so books on my shelves.)

It surprised me that there's still 2 more books to be published, but already there's a TV series. I'm glad they did, though. Or else I would've missed out on its awesomeness. Thank you HBO.

Guys come and go (even hot scruffy lords), but swords are awesome forever.

Now I haven't read the book, I only know what I've seen on the series, but I had this thought the other day while I was washing my hair. A Song of Ice and Fire;

Jon Snow is Ice.

Daenerys Targaryen is Fire.

Or is this already a common knowledge? Whatever it is, I can't wait for season 2.

Man, I honestly haven't been this excited about a series since Friends. A friend told me I only watch it for Kit Harington and Richard Madden. That is true of course, but only part of the reason why. Even if they replaced those two with ugly actors (like Zac Efron) I would still watch it and enjoy it.

Plus I get over a pretty face quite easily. Dominic Cooper who?

And people should appreciate villains more. Without conflict, the hero wouldn't be able to shine through and prove his worth. Villains are just as vital as the hero in a story, probably more even. Like King Joffrey. Is he a bratty dick? Of course he is. But if he wasn't a bratty dick, then the war wouldn't happen.

And you know in real life, villains win more often than we'd all like.


The istana behind my house is starting to really annoy me. Why so huge? WHY SO HUGE?? Do you realize how huge it is? I'll tell you how huge it is.
It's very huge.

Also, why on a forest hill?


This is ridiculously stupid and hilarious. Like most of you sometimes.

1 comment:

Dozing zombIE said...

ahaha yes. littlefinger gets no love.