I am in love with my nephew. I really am. I miss his face. I miss being an aunt. I miss having another person who doesn't talk (less annoying), depend on me. Like completely dependent. I can change his diaper or not change it, and he won't be able to do anything about it except cry and scream, which I can completely block out by turning up the TV volume.
But I change his green poop diaper anyway. Because I love him.
Isn't that nice? It feels nice. Making a voluntary effort to comfort and commit to someone you love. I think this is the first step towards self betterment, on my part.
And he's a baby goddamnit. A quiet non tantrum throwing cute little baby. Also I'm a lady with specific hormones and preset genetic orders to be in love with babies.

Ahh look at his awesome face!
He can't even open his fist properly yet and still he is awesome.
Also, aaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy you drive me crazy. I wish my texts can slap yo face.
I want pizza now. But I can't. Because I made a pact with my sister not to eat fast food for a year out of an altruistic idiotic attempt of being supportive and shit.
I WANT PIZZA! Pizza good.
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