Thursday, April 28, 2011

Double espresso shot.

I found a ladybug in my hair today. Another was on my neck. A few died in my hot coffee.
I'm just glad they're ladybugs and not something slightly larger and less colorful.

Speaking of invasions, watched Battle: Los Angeles. Nothing like big explosions and cars falling on top of people to sooth one's fucked up nerves.

Once you've seen Independence Day, you've seen all alien invasion movies but I've always had a deep seated affection towards war related movies since I was 10 and dreamed of flying a fighter plane in war.

They just need to minimize the emotional shit. We're all amazed and touched when that brave reluctant yet slightly insane hero's platoon didn't give up on him but it doesn't mean staring at each other all around out in the open is a good way of channeling those gratitude. I just don't think that's practical.

There was this one guy, I want him to have my babies. I don't know his name nor do I care, I just want his genes to be in my offsprings. It's all about supplying the next generation with the best equipments as possible.

I recently realize that less people marry(or have sex) for love these days.

In case you can't already tell, exams was brutal and this is me, deflecting with violence and loveless sex talk. And insects, apparently.


Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Mix the three things in the last paragraph together and meh, throw in lactation... And you get the essence of Japan...

ikanosha said...

There's no response to that so I won't try.